Hoi Deris...11 PRK Tapi Dah boleh Jimat 3.!

Thursday, June 24, 2010 by pisau · 7 comments


Selain arahan penuhkan blog dan web Harakah dengan iklan ubat kuat, ngomel macam nenek yang hilang gigi palsu lebih seronok nak kenakan kerajaan. Macam bijaksana pemikiran depa semua.

Ketua Penerangan yang selalu tertinggal bas, Idris Ahmad komplen lagi pasal wang yang konon didakwanya membazirkan wang rakyat. Nanti sat kejap lagi sampai la..

PAS mahu PDRM berjimat
Ketua Penerangan PAS Pusat, Ustaz Idris Ahmad berkata, pada tahun lepas Parlimen mendedahkan bahawa PDRM belanjakan RM31 juta untuk lima PRK iaitu Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu, Bukit Gantang, Batang Ai, Bukit Selambau.

“Itu baru lima pilihan raya kecil. Bagi baki enam pilihan raya kecil, PAS anggarkan PDRM belanjakan sekurang-kurangnya RM5 juta setiap tempat,” ujarnya.

Ini, katanya jauh berbeza dengan laporan Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya (SPR) yang mengumumkan perbelanjaan mereka bagi 11 PRK iaitu Permatang Pauh, Kuala Terengganu, Manek Urai, Bukit Gantang, Batang Ai, Bukit Selambau, Bagan Pinang, Penanti, Permatang Pasir, Hulu Selangor, Sibu sebanyak RM6,451,285 sahaja.

Sumber: Harakah Daily


11 PRK tapi macam boleh jimat 3 kawasan kalu tiada YB yang gatal merenyam letak jawatan. Dari 11 sepatutnya dah boleh jimat 3 PRK. Permatang Pauh, Bukit Selambau dan Penanti. Ini 3 kawasan bikin PRK pasal dah gatal bijik letak jawatan. Yang sorang nak obses delay kes, sorang lagi dah kantoi kahwin 2 yang sorang lagi kena cilok dengan geng sendiri.

Tak hairanlah kalu PRK itu pasal YB dicabut nyawa awal. Itu namanya gentleman kalu beradu pun. Bukannya letak jawatan lepaih itu buat tak tau bila dah menang.

Orang-orang PAS ini akai selalu setengah masak. Itu pun bercita-cita nak tawan Putrajaya. Tak boleh bagi muka sangat kat depa kena selalu rembat balik apa depa cakap.

Pakai kopiah tapi memalukan orang Islam. So, fikir sendiri sapa yang membazirkan wang rakyat?


7 comments to "Hoi Deris...11 PRK Tapi Dah boleh Jimat 3.!"
  1. 1 Orang lslam heboh tntang plihan raya prwakilan yg tjuannya hnya utk mlantik mnusia mnjadi pmbuat hukum [undang2], mngambil tmpat as-Syari' [Allah]. Dan undang2 buatan mreka itulah yg akhirnya mlontar jauh hukum2 syara' Allah [syariat] drp djadikan pillar [tulang blakang] undang2 bagi mngatur kehidpan rakyat & brnegara.

    2 Walhal hukum2 buatan mreka itu [para MPs] tak lebih adalah hukum2 thaghut, yg mnyegutukan hukum2 Allah, sdangkan Allah SWT tlah mlarang mnusia agar TIDAK briman kpd thaghut itu, krana itulah jalan2 syaitan, sdangkan syaitan itu adalah musuh paling nyata bagi mnusia, yg sntiasa brusaha mnyesatkan mnusia dgn sjauh-jauh ksesatan.

    3 Namun, manusia Muslim, yg dbekali-Nya al-Quran, ttap brsungguh2 mmperjuang & mmpertahan sistem pilihan raya Demokrasi ini dgn bermati-matian, brhentaman & brmusuhan sesama Muslim - utk sstem yg tak prnah ada dlm ajaran Rasul ikutan mreka.

    4 Kaedah fiqh ada mnyatakan: "Ssuatu yg mmbawa kpd keharaman, maka haram".

    Utk apa akhirnya & ke mana matlamat pilihan raya perwakilan ini, Pok Yeh?


  2. Dr Mahathir is the worst thing that has happened to this country. He continues to spew venom. Why? All he cares about is himself, his family, his relatives, his friends and his cronies.

    It doesn't require a PhD to analyze the reasons why many malays are still poor for the new economy in spite of the NEP and all we hear - the true reason for the failure of the malays are MAHATHIR MAHATHIR MAHATHIR……….and nothing else.

    Mahathir biggest achievements are not the white elephant KLIA, the robber highways, the meaningless twin towers, ghost town Putrajaya, failed MSC, sweat shop factories run with foreign labour, etc.

    His true achievements are the destruction of good governance, law and order, quality education, religious brotherhood, peace and harmony.

  3. The malays do not exist as a unique tribe but are the result of centuries of mix amongst various ethnic groups - migrants from Yunnan, Polynesia, Java, Sumatra, Turkey, Arabia, India, Siam, Cambodia, Laos.

    Once they began to populate the Malayan Peninsula - (which wasn't named for the malay race but derives from the Tamil word for "mountain" - malai) they figured it would be advantageous to claim ownership of the land by dubbing it Tanah Melayu.

    It was mostly a political part of various pirate bloodlines to create their own Promised Land.

  4. The malay race is an inferior race due to inbreeding amongst themselves. They are moronic and to make matter worse - choose Islam as their religion.

    As everyone knows, Islam is a stone-aged religion. No matter how long you spoon-feed them they will never change. They are worse than PIG.

  5. Hahaha! Shows how completely clueless malays are of the history of this land.

    The Orang Asli are the original race of this land.

    The malays themselves are only a small ethnic race that conquered the peninsular later.

    Worst, what many term as 'malays today' are not actually the original malays of ancient times but 'adopted malays' from other ethnicities such as the Acehnese, Bugis, Minangkabaus and Tamil Muslims.

  6. Yes. Every human have a working brain except malay, even the malay itself agree. Malays are stupid, lazy and idiotic. Malays are the most stupid human race ever exits.

    Of course Chinese is way smarter and more superior in every fucking way compared to a retarded malay. Chinese is a world race, a race with pride, with a great history and civilisation, we are hardworking and clever, every country lead by Chinese is strong and rich.

    This is not self compliment but prove can be seen at Taiwan, Singapore and China. China has an economic growth so fast it has never happen in any other country before. Even the Americans agree.

    What is malay? Malay is just a tiny piece of cow dunk left over in this earth. No one like malay. Don't agree? Show me which country lead by malay is well developed?

    Hahaha. Malay should be left for extinction from this world as they are a bunch of stupid retarded lazy asshole.

  7. Well, UMNO managed to achieve one thing. The BTN type morons, have been overwhelmingly successful in brainwashing todays 27 million citizens.

    Who says that the peninsular was always called Tanah Melayu? This is a recent British term!

    Tanah Melayu was never the name until the British came and colonized the peninsular.

    Malai means hill in Tamil; as to describe the Titiwangsa range on the said peninsular since the 2nd century by the Gujerati traders who set up their formidable Hindu empire at Lembah Bujang.