Monday, January 4, 2010 by pisau · 3 comments
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Kalimah Allah: PM minta umat Islam bertenang, akan menghadap Agong

03/01/2010 5:12pm

PEKAN 3 Jan. – Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak akan menghadap Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Majlis Raja-Raja dalam tempoh terdekat ini bagi menjelaskan isu berkaitan penggunaan kalimah Allah yang menimbulkan kemarahan umat Islam di negara ini.
Serentak itu, Perdana Menteri meminta umat Islam bertenang sambil menyerahkan kepada kerajaan menyelesaikannya menerusi proses undang-undang.
"Kerajaan akan membuat rayuan kepada Mahkamah Rayuan dan Mahkamah Persekutuan bagi menangani isu ini,'' katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas menyampaikan sumbangan kepada 321 murid pada majlis anugerah kecemerlangan Ujian Pencapaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) di Dewan Konvensyen Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah di sini hari ini. - Utusan


  1. While some idiots are mourning over the 'loss' of the word 'Allah' and therefore basically telling the world that they are people easily confused by nomenclature, and others are predicting riots over what is basically a 'copyright' issue, let me define what I think a confident Muslim should be:

    1. A confident Muslim is unfazed by the issue of God's name. God speaks to all of humankind in the Quran and never said that only Muslims could call him by the name Allah.

    2. A confident Muslim has 99 names to choose from to describe that One God. My favourites are Ar-Rahman (The All-Compassionate) and Ar-Rahim (The All-Merciful).

    3. A confident Muslim never gets confused over which is his/her religion and which is other people's. For instance, a confident Muslim knows exactly what the first chapter of the Quran is. And it's not the Lord's Prayer.

    4. A confident Muslim will not walk into a church, hear a liturgy in Malay or Arabic where they use the word 'Allah' and then think that he or she is in a mosque. A confident Muslim knows the difference.

    5. A confident Muslim is generous, inclusive and doesn't think that his or her brethren is made exclusive through the use of a single language. The confident Muslim is well aware that in the Middle East, all services of ANY religion are in Arabic because that's what they all speak.

    6. A confident Muslim knows the basis of his/her faith are the five pillars of Islam and will not be shaken just because other people call God by the same name.

    7. A Muslim believes in only One God. Therefore it makes sense that other people should call God by the same name because there is no other God.

    ART THOU NOT aware that it is God whose limit less glory all [creatures] that are in the heavens and on earth extol, even the birds as they spread out their wings? Each [of them] knows indeed how to pray unto Him and to glorify Him; and God has full knowledge of all that they do:(Surah Nour, Verse 41) (Asad)

    So I would ask those people demonstrating against the Court decision, have you no pride? Are you saying you're easily confused?

    And before anyone says I have no qualifications to say these things, read what Dr Asri Zainal Abidin (who does have qualifications no matter what JAIS says) has written about this very subject.

    And here's something interesting. In 2007, the Majlis Agama Negeri Perlis, which is a large majlis filled with people very learned in Islamic religious knowledge, discussed the question of the use of 'Allah' by non-Muslims. Their unanimous decision? They issued a fatwa to say that there is absolutely nothing wrong with non-Muslims using the word at all.

  2. aiyok malay muslim.....

    nie bukan soal confident ker x confident sebagai muslim..

    nie soal utk megelakkan kekeliruan di kalangan generasi muda + kanak2 yg mula mempelajari agama islam..

    kita sedia maklum yg pegangan agama 2 golongan ini masih diperingkat awal dan mudah d confuse kan jika data dan maklumat yg diberikan itu bukan dr sumber yg sahih dan boleh dipercayai..

    sy bg contoh mudah utk memahamkan 'malay muslim'..
    cuba bayangkan anak saudara yg berumur 8tahun pergi ke kdai buku @ mendapat risalah2 tertentu yg ader mnyebut kalimah "Allah'.

    dlm hati sanubari knk2 terbabit mgatakan bahawa dr kecil dia diajar supaya percaya kepada 'Allah'.so rsnyer xda masalah nak bc @ dpt risalah tue...

    sedangkan sebenarnya risalah @ buku yg diedarkan itu adalah dr mubaligh kristian yg cuba memesongkan akidah anak2 kecil kita..
    cuba bygkn worst case senario klau kanak2 @ remaja tersebut main folo jer ngan amik data2 dan information yg dlm risalah @ buku berkenaan sebagai pegangan...Nauzubillah..

    saudara,kdg2 kita hanya berfikir ttg diri kita tanpa memikirkan apa akan jadi dgn generasi akan dtg...fikir2kn....

  3. Saudara Trackers,
    Ni pandangan Marina Mahathir yang saya ambil dari blognya di

    Sekadar makluman,patutkan kita boikot Marina Mahathir??