Pornthip speaks out of turn but the complainant gets contempt proceedings

Friday, January 8, 2010 by pisau · 0 comments

oleh marahku

The strangest thing has happened.

Pornthip the showy pahthologist from Thailand, famous for arriving at conclusions from examining mere photographs leaked out the result of her coroner’s report after the second autopsy of TBH before presenting her finding at the inquest.

That, to most people sounds like she is acting in contempt of an ongoing court proceeding.

So MACC officer, Raub Ghani filed a complaint against her for suspicion of releasing the result of the second autopsy to person or persons that are not authorized to receive the report.

Sounds like a sensible thing to do. Right?

I mean if someone blabs about a court proceeding while it is ongoing, that is contempt..right?

But something odd has happened… the coroner handling the inquest, Azmil Muntapha Abas has ordered that contempt proceedings be initiated against Raub?




Apparently, application for the contempt proceedings was made by Karpal and his son Gobind. That is expected, these two are known for pulling all kinds of legal stunts just to get their way.

But I am curious as to the reasoning for the contempt proceedings. Should Raub be facing contempt proceedings or Pornthip??

What di Raub do that is wrong?

Is complaining against a person leaking confidential information crucial to an ongoing case wrong?

Or is leaking confidential information crucial to an ongoing case wrong?

I am waiting to hear the full explanation for this curious anomaly in the inquest.

Below is the Malaysiakini story

Mahkamah Koroner Shah Alam, yang mendengar inkues punca kematian Teoh Beng Hock, mengarahkan seorang pegawai Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) dikenakan tindakan menghina mahkamah.
Koroner Azmil Muntapha Abas memerintahkan prosiding tersebut terhadap pegawai SPRM Cawangan Siasatan Putrajaya, Raub Ghani, didengar pada 15 Januari ini.
Pada 1 Januari lalu, pegawai itu membuat aduan polis agar pakar patologi dari Thailand, Dr Pornthip Rojanasunand, disiasat kerana disyaki membocorkan maklumat laporan bedah siasat kedua, 22 November lalu, kepada pihak tidak sewajarnya.
Aduan polis dibuat susulan penerbitan berita ‘Pornthip sahkan Beng Hock dibunuh’ di akhbar rasmi PKR Suara Keadilan edisi 29 Disember – 5 Januari yang menyimpulkan bekas setiausaha politik exco Selangor, Ean Yong Hian Wah, mati dibunuh.
Dr Pornthip, yang dilantik oleh kerajaan Selangor, kemudian dilaporkan enggan memberikan keterangan pada inkues tersebut kerana bimbang berdepan tindakan tersebut.
Permohonan terhadap Raub dibuat oleh peguam Karpal Singh dan anaknya Gobind Singh Deo, kedua-duanya mewakili keluarga Teoh, dalam prosiding inkues yang bersambung pagi ini.
Teoh ditemui mati dekat pejabat SPRM di Shah Alam, 16 Julai tahun lalu – kematian yang menjadi kontroversi politik terhangat tahun lalu sehingga kerajaan mengarahkan inkues tersebut diadakan dan penubuhan suruhanjaya diraja menyiasat tatacara siasatan SPRM.


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